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If you are headed to Canada for study as an international student, then you are one of the lucky few. Canada is a great study destination, with some of the universities in the world, and almost every student who desires to go to study abroad will always have it in mind. Therefore, give yourself apart on the back and be grateful for the opportunity you have.
Living as an international student in Canada should not be a bore, or very challenging. Canada is a developed country, and one with very good systems and structures for students, and if you do everything you are told, you will not have any reason to get worried. However, your personal safety is one thing you have to take care of at any time because you cannot guarantee anyone with it. To help you get going on the right footing, here are some of the campus safety tips you should consider for a great stay in the country-:
Don’t let technology come in the way of your safety

Technology, especially the use of smartphones, was supposed to make life easy and enjoyable, but this is not the kind of experience some people have. Instead of using technology the right way, they end up misusing it and ultimately, they get themselves into very unfortunate situations. As an international student careful about their security in a foreign land, you should never let the use such gadgets consume you such that you are no longer aware of your surroundings. This is the easiest way to get robbed or get run over by a speeding car.
Keep your travel documents
There is heightened vigilance on illegal immigrants in North America, including Canada. Due to this, you should at all times be in a position to give out your travel documents whenever they are requested for. This calls for a lot of care for their custody since you don’t want to lose your visa or other important identification documents. You may be lucky if you come from visa exempt countries since all you needed was the Canada ETA to gain access into the country, but if you are not from a visa exempt country, keep your visa and other important documents very safe.
Carry your purse close to your body

If you are a lady, you don’t want to be swinging your purse in your arms as if you are strolling with your boyfriend on the beach. Carry it close to your body so that you don’t make it easy for a snatcher to speed off with it. If you are a guy, don’t keep your wallet in the back pocket. Always have it in the front pockets or in your jacket pockets if you have one.
Always be aware and remain alert
Whether you are leaving the campus for your hostels, hanging around in party or just strolling the campus corridors, always ensure you are aware of where you are and what is happening around. It is also important to know your way around the campus, even if it means getting a map to consult all the time you feel you are getting lost. Don’t be ashamed that others will see you using a map. It will just be for a couple of the first few days and you will know your way around.
Avoid places where you may be harassed

Complaints of people being harassed or bullied are present in every campus, despite such institutions having very strict rules to regulate such. There are certain spots within the campus where such kinds of bullying do happen, especially in places where the senior students get to interact with the new students. If you feel you can’t handle such bullying or you can’t stand up to your bullies, then do the honorable thing of avoiding such places. Don’t take yourself to the danger.
Be aware of all the exits
School shootouts is a concern you can’t ignore in Canada, and one of the best ways to keep yourself safe is to be alert and be aware of the exits. Always know where all the exits are and when you take your position in the buildings, be at a place where you can find the exits quite fast should there be a need.
Don’t show large sums of money or expensive jewelry
If you think you have a lot of money, be sure to keep it to yourself and never let anyone know you have money by you showing them. Be very discrete how you handle your money around the campus and even in your hostel. The same case goes for your expensive jewelry. Don’t just flaunt them as you please because you will be attracting unnecessary attention, including those of the bad guys who might be tempted to come for them.
Avoid being alone in potentially suspicious places

Don’t be alone in potentially dangerous places such as dark alleys or long stretches of the road at night. Also be careful with all the warnings on the locations you were advised to avoid. If you have to venture into such places, then be sure to have company and never be alone.
Always try to escape the danger if you are confronted
In case you come into a situation, try as much as you can to not escalate the situation by fighting back if you can find a way out. This is not to say that you shouldn’t defend yourself, but only do if it is the last option. Always run with the slightest opportunity you get.
Don’t be reckless in your hostels
You should also take great care of yourself when you are in the hostel. Not every roommate will be a good guy and until you can determine their true characters, don’t expose your valuables to them or even ask them to take care of your stuff. Trust no one.
Finally, if you have any reason to think your safety is threatened, don’t hesitate to talk to someone. Share with your close friends, staff or report to the security. This is a nice way to preempt an attack if at all you were being targeted by some of the bad guys.
Canada is fantastic country to choose for your studies, and following these campus safety tips with ensure that you have a rewarding and memorable study journey.